Thursday, August 18, 2011

Over There

Can anyone tell me where Over There is? It is always funny when you are talking to people and you ask them for something and they are like, "It's Over There." Of course your natural, I don't want to go off or get upset response is, "Over Where?" I think this exchange signifies how important the need for effective communication is. So you say it's Over There, but even when you pointed, you did it so fast we have no idea still where Over There is. As a matter of fact, a number of things are Over There. Heck, depending on where I am standing, you are Over There. I simply raise this issue because I think all of us can do a little better in making ourselves clearer and explaining exactly where Over There is. I know it takes a little extra time and patience, but I believe clarity and precise location is better than just having others aimlessly wandering around.

I know some of you are like, what in the h.e. double hockey sticks I am talking about? Well, the topic is right Over There. How can you not keep up? It's located Over There and the message is Over There. All you have to do to find the message for today is read that Over There. Now how much of a waste or semi-annoying was those last few lines? But, I draft this today, simply to ask all of you to work on the way in which you communicate with others. If other people perceive you as being short or rude, there is some truth to their perception. I know we live in a generation where a number of you could care less what people think about you. But, take it from someone who you know cares. Simply saying, "Over There" ain't going to cut it. We need more details, more direction and more insight if you really want us to know where Over There is. Don't be sending us on a wild goose chase. Shucks, we got things to do too! So you go sit Over There and think about what I just said. Just in case you are unsure of where you need to go, your Over There, is in the nearest corner, also called---Time Out.

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