Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Politics Matter


I have to be perfectly honest. Until the election of President Barack Obama, I could care very little about Politics. I am sure I have voted in every election, but I know for a fact that I wasn't as involved in the entire process until that specific election. I was more engaged in the holistic process from the beginning of the campaign season up until that wonderful night when President Obama was installed as the 44th President of the United States. If there is one thing I have learned throughout the process and during President Obama's first term, just like Race, Politics Matter.

Unfortunately, most people don't pay attention to what is going on in D.C. or on Capitol Hill. People broke their backs getting to the polls to put President Obama in office, but lacked to support him once he got there. The only reason people are paying attention to Politics now is because this whole situation with the debt talks will impact the least among us most. When you say that social security checks, unemployment, and/or veteran benefits would be affected, people began to get interested. Whether you like Politics or not, they do Matter. Each of you should pay attention to what's going on in the Political arena. Even if you don't understand it, you should still try to make time to pay close attention to the national Politics/Politicians as well as your local Politics/Politicians. Nothing is more important at this point then the economy and jobs. If we can't work, we can't provide for our families. So Politics Matter.

We are on the cusp of a new election year. It is going to take all of us plus some, if we plan to keep President Obama in office. So, when you are heading to the bank to cash your check this month, think about what you can do to make sure President Obama gets another four years to fix what G.W. destroyed. It is the least you can do, because Politics Matter.

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