Sunday, August 7, 2011

Operation Me

I feel like Dr. Dre at this very moment; I need a doctor. I think over the course of the last three years or so especially, I lost track of what was important to the pursuit of my destiny. I believe for the greater portion of my life, I have spent it being a fuel station for others. Patrons or so-called associates/friends/family have been driving through me, filling up their cars and moving on. I was content with this process until just recently. I was blinded by my own nurturing spirit, compassion and/or love. But, certain occurrences have brought clarity to my actions and helped me realize that they where/are having an ill-affect on my life. So today, I shall begin what I call: Operation Me.

I have decided that it is imperative that I take a vacation from my current ways and actions, and re-construct Me. I, not unlike all of you, am imperfect and flawed. But, I have decided from henceforth that to truly help others and change this world I have to be the best Me I can be. Thus, Operation Me, is going in full effect immediately. I want to make an impact on not just those in my sight, my peripheral or in my present, but I aim to change the world as we know it. But only by initiating Operation Me will I be able to do just that. So to all of you who may never hear from me again, know that this is a necessary action. Please don't take it personal, but Operation Me is way bigger than you or I. Operation Me will ultimately benefit us all in the long run; trust Me. Perhaps, you should focus on Operation You. That may help you understand Operation Me. If not, only time will inevitably reveal all those things which we may not currently understand presently. Love me or Hate Me, Operation Me is beginning in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....

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