Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Power of Forgiveness


Greetings All: I wanted to take a moment today to share with you something that I have learned over the years. It took me a minute to comprehend this, but as I get older and the more I learn people, I have gained a new understanding of it. I write you all today to tell you that one of the most important things you can do in this life is learn to Forgive. The Power of Forgiveness is amazing and can truly change your life forever.

You will always go through things in this life, some good, some bad and some things truly horrible, but you have to take all of them in stride. Each obstacle, challenge or experience in your life is just preparing you for your Destiny. Holding on to every occurrence or situation in which you were betrayed or hurt will weigh you down and slow your personal and professional growth. I am not encouraging you to pretend these things never happened. Nor am I saying you need to forget, but you have to learn to Forgive.

Forgiving others will open up more room in your heart and life to let new people in who truly have your best interest in mind. The Power of Forgiveness is unlimited. Once you master the art of Forgiving, you will be able to take progressive steps toward healing. You can move past that which was holding you back and by freeing yourself, you can now live your life. If you don't believe in The Power of Forgiveness, just give it a try. Think of someone who has hurt you, talked about you or abused your friendship. Close your eyes, say a little prayer for them and end it by saying, "I Forgive You." Watch how you feel once that burden is lifted. It's an amazing feeling. Trust me, it ain't easy, but you have to at least start trying to Forgive today. Or you will live the rest of your life---dead on the inside and incapable of giving anything to those who truly deserve what you have to offer.

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