Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Your Roots

When I speak of Your Roots, I am not talking about your ancestry. I am speaking about the Roots you have grown from the place you have been planted in this life. Each of us have been been planted in a certain place for a certain time to fulfill a certain Destiny. Your Roots are what keep you grounded in that place. I warn you not to let people up-Root you from the place GOD has planted you. Your Roots are in that soil for a reason and you shouldn't move because other people make you feel uncomfortable, talk about you or don't appreciate you being Rooted there. It is not their ground. Therefore, you shouldn't care what they say or do.

Your Roots are where they are for a reason. When the POTTER is ready to move you somewhere else, you will know because HE will either dig you up in order for you to move to a new place or HE will instruct you that it is time for you to take Your Roots elsewhere. No wo/man on this earth should cause you to relocate Your Roots!!!

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