Monday, February 7, 2011



Its sad that I have to say this, but in my attempt to share with you I am in no way proselytizing or trying to PUSH my beliefs off on you by any means. I simply write to let you know something that works for me in hopes that it will ultimately work for you as well. I remember as a kid sitting in Church and I use to hear my Pastor and her Prayer Warriors saying, "when all else fells, P.U.S.H. Due to my adolescent understanding, I really thought they literally meant PUSH. As in using force to move something from one place to another. But as I got a little older and start paying more attention in Church, I gained a newly developed understanding of the term P.U.S.H, better known as PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS.

I am in no way, shape, form or fashion the most religious person on earth. While I am a proud Christian brother, I don't claim any religious affiliation. But, I do believe in the power of Prayer. P.U.S.H. has done more for me in times of crisis, depression, and what seemed to be unbearable pain than any other antidote. When it seemed like I had explored all my options and my back was against the wall, I simply continued to P.U.S.H. Now at some point, that must join this thing called FAITH, because there is no need for you to Pray if you don't believe or have FAITH that your circumstances can truly be changed. You can Pray all day, but if you are Praying for the sake of no other options, then you might just be wasting your time. You might want to add a little FAITH to that P.U.S.H.

In this life, there are a number of things we can control and those things we can't. One of the gifts that come with being in America and other countries is that we are free to Worship, Pray, and Believe as we see fit. In other countries, not so much. I don't know what you are going through today or what you went through yesterday, but I write to encourage you to P.U.S.H. Not tomorrow, Not a few minutes from now, but began to P.U.S.H. right now. See what happens. Don't take my word for it that it works, just try it. Worst case, nothing will happen and then you can continue whatever other regimen you utilize when you are going through things in your life.

Remember when all else fells and it seems like there is nothing else to do, Don't Run, Don't Pull, Don't Jump, Don't Fret, Don't Hide, Don't Quit--Just P.U.S.H!!!

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