Wednesday, July 13, 2011


A little Humility goes a long way. Oftentimes, people refer to me as being arrogant. While I appreciate everyone's perception and do self-reflect when commented on, I tend to display an extraordinary level of confidence, not arrogance. But, regardless of what others think I am, I am still very Humble. One of the most important characteristics one could possible possess is Humility.

There isn't anything flattering or exciting about Humility, but it is essential to building/forming good character. Humility is derived from the word humble. It simple means, being modest and respectful. Humble people display Humility. I can't tell you how nice it is to be in the presence of people who display Humility. They just seem to have, "great home training." Humility is a virtue, just like patience. It can be learned, but not necessarily taught. Everyone should display Humility, no matter who you are or what you do. Even the great ones fall! Be ye' Humble always. Understand that you are who you are because someone paved the way. Don't be arrogant and keep feeling yourself all your life; show a little Humility today. It doesn't hurt at all.

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