Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Quality Time---Re-Visited


I understand now more than ever the importance of Quality Time. It's sad that sometimes we have to suffer the great loss of someone we love or cared for before we understand some of the most basic concepts in life like Quality Time. Quality Time, sometimes referred to as, QT, is important to all. Everyone needs Quality Time. Children need Quality Time with their parents, just as adults need Quality Time with their significant others.

Quality Time, whether we believe it or not, is very important and we must be aware of the significance of it to others. The murder, suicide and rates of violence is astronomically high and problematic due to factors like lack of Quality Time. Some of these issues could be solved with a hug and some love. Some people think material things matter and money buys happiness, but Quality is truly priceless/invaluable and there ain't a price tag in the world you can put on that. Thus, I encourage all of you to take a moment to spend a little Quality Time with those that matter while you still have time to do so.

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