Sunday, July 3, 2011

Open A Window


The more I go through life the more I learn things. I can't tell you how many things I know now that I wish I knew back then. Some of the things I know now, I feel would have spared me a lot of hurt, heart ache and pain. But, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. One thing I do know is that when you feel claustrophobic or overwhelmed with the ways of the world, sometimes you need to Open A Window.

We usually have so many thing going on. We work day-to-day and never get the proper rest as we are suppose to. Thus, we are usually restless as we maneuver through our daily tasks. We are frustrated because there is never enough time in the day to do what we need, and most of us don't have the resources readily available to do the things we would like to do. But, instead of letting your spirits get down due to things you can't control, simply Open A Window. There are numerous things that remain trapped inside of us because we are so private and scared to let things out in fear that others will judge us. But, if you never Open A Window, new things won't become available to you and the old things that you need to get rid can't get out. Fresh air is as necessary as food for survival. Open A Window and let life flow in and death flow out.

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