Monday, July 11, 2011

Your Opinion


Every now and then I notice some people hang around conversations, but they never say a word. I mean, it could be a group discussion or a one-on-one talk, and they don't speak up or contribute to the talk. I know some people don't like to talk in front of groups, but these people won't even speak in front of their own friends and/or loved ones. I understand sometimes you just don't have anything to say, but at some point you have to speak up. I think some of these type of people, just don't want to talk because they aren't sure what to say. But I am here to say, Your Opinion matters so just say what you feel as long as you feel what you say.

Your Opinion on various topics matter a lot because it gives others insight as to how you think. Yes, some people may over talk you, get loud and/or seem uninterested when you speak. But you can't let these immature tactics detour you from stating Your Opinion. I encourage you strongly to share Your Opinion when you are asked or when you deem it necessary. If you don't share Your Opinion people will formulate an Opinion that may not be Your Opinion at all for you.

The only way to get involved and comfortable with stating Your Opinion is to immerse yourself into conversation. The more you do it, the more you will get use to sharing Your Opinion. Sure, you may not be right, or even close to accurate, but that is why it is called Your Opinion and not fact. You may be right or wrong, but if you never speak Your Opinion, you will never find out. Just like you matter so does your thoughts, concepts, ideas, perceptions, feelings and most importantly, Your Opinions. Start contributing to discussions today. Some people, like me, have been waiting a lifetime to hear Your Opinion and what you truly think.

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