Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mean Muggin'


What in the world did I or anyone else ever do to you? Why is it that you have to look like you bit into a lemon and now you can't get the taste out of your mouth? Whatever it is that you are going through, I am sure it could be worse. Do you really think that face makes you look intimidating? Well, new flash---it doesn't. Actually you look like a fool. So quit your Mean Muggin'! For those of you who don't know what Mean Muggin' is. It is when people walk around with a permanent scowl on their face. They look like a pit pull or like someone took a number 2 on their top lip. Yes, its just that awful. And frankly, I am over it. Mean Muggin' is so 2001.

It is sad that today you will see way more people Mean Muggin' then you will see smiling. I don't get why everyone is so upset. Sure we all are going through at this moment, but you can't be mad at the world. If you want to Mean Mug' something: Mean Mug the gas pump; Mean Mug the politicians; Mean Mug social media; and/ or Mean Mug your favorite rapper's favorite rapper. All of the afore deserve a good Mean Muggin' for the level of ignorance they display and their blatant disregard for the welfare of us all, but we don't. I know you have heard the old saying, "it takes twice as many muscles to frown as it does to smile." So why aren't you smiling? Don't get me wrong, I am not a person to be cheesin' all the time either, but I sure don't walk around looking like I got hit in the face with a bag of ugly. Some of you can't help that, but you can at least stop Mean Muggin'. Get over whatever it is that you are thinking/feeling to make you look that way. It isn't cute, sexy or cool. Actually, you just look like a da*n fool.

Mean Mug That!!!

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