Monday, July 25, 2011

Know Your Role


A few years ago, well maybe six or seven now, I use to be one of the world's biggest wrestling fans. Of course that is professional wrestling, more specifically, WWF. One of my favorite wrestlers at the time, is still one of my favorite people to this very day--Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. This brother use to say this line, "Know Your Role and Shut Your Mouth!" The Know Your Role portion has stuck with me for over a decade now. The Shut Your Mouth, not so much. However, the Know Your Role was/is a very poignant and significant message.

As a youngster, the mere idea of Knowing My Role, kept me out of a lot of trouble. Even today, the fact that I, Know My Role, keeps me from having to deal with all the stressors of life. I write to all of you to encourage you to find Your Role if you don't Know it. Some of you have to say something about everything. Or if you're like me, you feel compelled to do something about everything. But, you have to Know Your Role. I am speaking from experience here people. As I say all the time, "If you attempt to be all things to everyone, you will ultimately end up being nothing to no one." You have to Know Your Role. Those things that you can fix/change, fix/change them. Everything else, take it to the alter and leave it there. Know Your Role people and remember you aren't a super hero. The ways of people and the weight of the world will bury you, if you let it.

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