Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Complain Not


I think someone or something somewhere is trying to get our attention. There is way too much going on these days. The murder, rape and violence rate is sky-rocketing all around the nation. On top of that, we are experiencing schizophrenic weather, natural disasters and our countries continually engage in wars, even before we complete the one prior. All of these things make me examine my life holistically. Due to the fact that I know people who have done way more with way less and they did Not Complain; from now on, I will Complain Not.

I really don't understand the purpose of Complaining. It is Not like your situation gets any better because you choose to sit around and mope, talk or cry about it. Frankly, I believe everyone is going through their own personal situation/tragedies, thus, they don't really want to hear you Complain about yours. I mean, yes, you may be going through some tough/rough times, but it could be a lot worse. Look around you, if you have any doubt that your situation, isn't as big of a crisis as you think it is. It's real out there in the world, and you have a lot to be grateful/thankful for. Take a page from my New Life Development Play Book; Complain Not my people. It's not like a Complaint is going to get you any closer to the solution to your problem anyway. Find something else more positive to do. You claim you have Faith; Complain Not. Just Pray Until Something Happens (P.U.S.H.) Trust, it works.

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