Monday, March 14, 2011



Let me first begin by apologizing to my avid followers. Due to circumstances beyond my control and Verizon not supporting Puerto Rico fully, the kid experienced major technical difficulties as it relates to posting today. But, I am here now. I will keep it short and simple, because I know it's bed time for some of you.

Today, I write about a two letter word, Go. Now, there are a number of context as it relates to the word, Go. But I want to talk to you about moving from the stopped position in your life to the Go state of movement. There is so much out there one can do, but if you never, Go, or start moving, you will be stuck in the same place forever. Just Go. I know it seems real simple, but at times all of us need someone to give us a green-light of encouragement. Thus today, I want to provide you all with the permission to Go.

Go impact the world. Go change your life. Go make a difference. Go out and mentor. Go on and let go of your past. From hencforth, Go forward and be the best lover, friend and partner you could possibly be. Most importantly, Go be free. There isn't a thing in this world stopping you but you. So take your future in your hands today; remove you feet off the brake, lightly tap the gas and Goooooo.

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