Friday, March 25, 2011

Privacy Matters


Although, I have a very public persona, I am genuinely a very Private person. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but let me explain. I love being out and about when doing things with the fam or some sort of philanthropic activity, (i.e., adopting highways, mentoring kids, etc.) But, when all that is said and done, I love and very much appreciate my alone/Private time. Regardless of how much I like being "a man of the people," I enjoy my Privacy just as much. Perhaps, I enjoy my Privacy a little more than anything else. Well not more than...Oops, can't say that aloud. Whheww, that was a close one! I digress.

Privacy Matters. I don't understand people who like to put all their business or a$$ets in the street. I mean, they like to make it known, who they are sleeping with, dating, or courting. I don't understand why people do this. Then, the moment someone they know gets involved with the person they been flaunting around town, they are devastated and want to royal rumble it out. I don't encourage anyone to spread their business or even share it with more than a few folk. Because once the cat is out the bag, there is no recapturing it.

Privacy Matters. Not in the sense that you cheat, lie, still, or kill and keep it to yourself. That ain't Privacy! That is a crime or act that hurts others. I am referring to your personal life, goals, and aspirations. There is no need for you to walk around like a billboard displaying all your deepest and darkest traits and secrets. We really don't care; keep it to yourself. A little Privacy would be appreciated by all. One doesn't truly learn appreciate Privacy, until you have a house full of people or kids and then you have to steal what should be yours automatically---a moment of Privacy. I am telling you, Privacy Matters, more than you know. Wait to you need it and you can't find it; you'll see.

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