Saturday, March 12, 2011

Speak Your Mind II


I was watching a commercial this morning and the narrator stated that humans have over 3,000 thoughts per day. That raises the question, "What is on your Mind?" As I think about this, I wonder with so many thoughts, why don't more people Speak Their Mind? I know there are some things better left unsaid, but some people don't Speak Their Mind, even when it is much needed. Don't be a push over, or people will continue to push you over. Learn to Speak Your Mind and feel comfortable doing so. Usually the people who Speak the most aren't saying anything anyway. So we want to hear your perspective.

I am a person who says any and everything out of my mouth. While I don't encourage you do that, I do think you should Speak Your Mind; especially, in those situations when you feel the need or you know you should. People who don't Speak, are often taken for people who don't have an opinion or anything to contribute to the world. Now, I know that isn't the case for many of you. Some people just follow that childhood rule: "Speak Only When You're Spoken To." But, there are indeed some times you need to Speak even when you aren't directly involved in the conversation. Now, this does take a certain level of tact. You just don't jump into random conversations and add your two cents, you wait until there is a pause or towards the end and then you Speak. But don't just talk to talk, make sure you are saying something poignant or meaningful.

It's absolutely okay to be shy or be a wo/man of few words. But it is not ok to not Speak Your Mind when needed. Please don't let other people Speak for you. You are perfectly capable of Speaking Your own Mind, so do just that. Speak, share your thoughts, opinions and facts. We want to hear what have to say. Perhaps you hold the answers to numerous questions we all may have. Just do it---Speak Your Mind. But please note, at some point enough is enough; don't be too chatty.

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