Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Driver's Seat


I remember as a kid walking down the road, and I use to see a ton of bumper stickers that read, "JESUS is my co-pilot." At that time, due to my lack of maturation, I didn't quite understand what that saying actually meant. But now that I am older, I get it. However, for me, I tend to see it in a different manner. While JESUS may be your co-pilot, and there is nothing wrong with that if he is, for me, in my life/vehicle, he is seated comfortably in The Driver's Seat.

I am not very religious, but I am a Bona Fide CHRISTIAN. Thus, I believe wholeheartedly in the HOLY TRINITY: THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY GHOST. I know without a shadow of doubt, that I haven't made it this far in life and I wouldn't be the man I am today without a little help/intervention from someone of a HIGHER POWER. Now, I am not trying to get you in any way to believe as I believe. But I know on many occasions, I was too hurt, too depressed, too broken and too defeated to be in The Driver's Seat; yet I always reached my final destination in one piece. It's like the FOOTPRINTS picture I use to always see. When the man said he only saw one set of prints along the beach and JESUS said, "It was during those times, I carried you." HE is always my Driver and carries me everywhere I go.

I am grateful to have been carried. And again today, as in everyday, I am glad that my HEAVENLY FATHER saw fit to get in The Driver's Seat. All the days of my life, I will continue to hop in the passenger or the backseat, depending on who's riding along, buckle up and enjoy the ride to whatever destination The Driver sees fit. You should try it too.

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