Wednesday, March 16, 2011



Who sets Limits? I mean, I know who sets Limits for speed and other Limits of that nature, but who sets those non-physical Limits. I am referring to Limits on things such as Love, Aspirations, and Goals. I ask because I am of the belief that a number of us operate under these Limits that don't truly exist. I mean, of course there has to be Limits for things in life. If not, people would go crazy. Could you imagine a world without a drinking Limit? Who would want to drive? I wouldn't even walk near a road. Heck, I would be afraid to walk in my front yard. So, I understand why we need those types of Limits, but Limits for ourselves should only be set by us.

There is this invisible barrier in front of all of us regarding Limits. We think that we are capable of doing it, but some how we never do it, because of this Limit that says, "we really shouldn't." Our subconscious is the worst at setting these nonexistent Limits. Our brain says, "hey you can't make it or you can't do that." Now, you know in your heart you can, but your mental has set this Limit for you, thus you don't even try. Fear also sets Limits for some of us. I was taught in my life that Fear is nothing but False Expectations Appearing Real. As the saying goes, "there is nothing to Fear, but Fear itself." Don't let your Fear Limit you.

No one or nothing should ever set a Limit for you as it relates to your own personal life. It's your life and you are the only person that should set the Limits. Now a life without Limits and a life with Limits from others isn't encouraged under any circumstances. But, a life with Limits set exclusively by you is the truly best way to roll.

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