Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Way


I think Usher said it best, "I like things My Way." Am I selfish? I don't think so. I am extremely selfless as a matter of fact. But with so many things going on in this life, I refuse to be a part of things that are done My Way. That doesn't mean that I always have to have My Way. It just means, I tend to feel more comfortable in the Leader vs. Follower role. Now, I can be a Follower if need be, but trust I will use my influences if I have to. I think because I like to do things My Way, I am often judged unfairly. But people who know me better than most will tell you that just because I like things done My Way, doesn't mean you won't have a fair part in the process.

My Way is absolutely not the Way you probably would do it. But, My Way gives you room to move freely and share your ideas. That doesn't mean I will go with Your Way, but I will definitely listen to you and see if Your Way is indeed the best route to go. While I don't Com-Promise under any circumstances; I do truly believe and understand that My Way is not always the best Way. I am very comfortable in my own my skin, and I am just accustomed to doing things My Way. When someone or something comes alone, that gives me that same comfort level, I will quickly defer to them or that.

The moral of this is: If you are fine with yourself and you enjoy doing things Your Way, as long as you aren't hurting anyone in the process, keep on doing it Your Way. While others may or may not agree; it is your life and you should be the only one to live it.

I live by the old adage, "It's My Way or the highway." You Betta Ask Somebody!!!

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