Monday, March 21, 2011

Self Preservation


Do you know what they do to animals that are nearly extinct? They take the last of the dying breed and move them to this resort for animals away from all other natural and wild life. There they allow them to live free, roam, eat, play, grow and perhaps procreate in an effort to re-populate the world with that species. This is all done in an effort to Preserve this type of animal, so that they are around for centuries to come. This process for animals is very important to the world as we know it. Just like it is of uber importance for you to Preserve your Self .

Self Preservation: The act of maintaining something in its original state, is something we all must strive to do. There is a need for you to take care of yourSelf in lames terms. You have to be mindful of your health, both mentally and physically, as well as what you put into your body. While some of us go to the gym and attempt to eat healthy, we all need to work harder and do a little bit better. What we put into our bodies, if not careful, can negatively impact us, and kill us. Exercise is important too. It helps raise our metabolism, which allows our body to break down that food we put into our bodies. A major part of Self Preservation, a proper diet combined with exercise, can lengthen your life if done right. But, don't overdue either one. Too much of anything is over kill.

I write to encourage you all to focus on your Self Preservation. No one should be more concerned with Preserving themSelf then You. Self Preservation is not just what you eat and drink, but it's also about what you do. Who you hang around or allow to be a part of your life. Negative people carry negative energy; which in time will cause you to become negative. Look out for them. Also, be careful who you give your body too. Any and Everybody doesn't appreciate your goodies and wouldn't know a good thing if it hit them in the face. So, let them ruin someone else's life who doesn't value their personal a$$ets, etc. You are indeed important to this life and this world. Thus, we all are counting on you to do whatever it takes to Preserve your Self, so future generations will be able to experience the greatness that is you.

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