Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tweet This


So on last night I was watching one of my usual shows on CNN, "Piers Morgan Tonight," and his guest was the founders of Twitter. Also, in attendance was Martha Stewart, New Jersey Mayor Corey Booker, and others who frequently use Twitter. Do to disdain for mediums like Facebook & Twitter, I almost turned the T.V. But, I decided to tune in to see if I could figure out what all the fuss was about. Each guest discussed how their utilization of Twitter and how Tweeting has revolutionized the world as we know it. Humbly, the founders, who came up with the idea while sitting on a park bench in San Francisco, discussed how they thought people like celebrities would not use Twitter and how Tweeting has become an international/global activity. Now you all know, since day one, I have never been a fan of Twitter, but I must admit that it has some positive benefits.

Some of the correspondents on the show discussed how via Twitter, places around the world have been liberated of improper treatment and dictatorships. In most foreign regions, when there is a problem with the regime, the phones, internet and other forms of communication is usually cut off. But due to mediums like Twitter, that can be utilized from mobile phones, people are still able to communicate to the world at-large. I will be the first person to admit that, "lack of information is a form of ignorance, but if one seeks to be educated, they shall be ignorant no more." Thus, today, in usual form or fashion, I recant my previous rant about my dislike of Twitter holistically. While I still believe it is problematic because a lot of users abuse it by using it just to get attention. I can now see some positive aspects of Twitter. However, I still say to all you losers, "you are still losers!" But, to those of you who seek to Tweet to make a difference or for a purpose aimed at liberating/educating yourself and others ---Tweet On Little Birdie Tweet On!

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