Friday, June 11, 2010

Daily Nugget: Inspiration


Greetings Nationiers, this is your captain speaking...

What inspires you?

As we move into the new millennium we are introduced to new and exciting ideas and concepts. We come in on out of contact with new people, places, and things. But how much do we really take from these associations?
Approximately 10 years ago, I had a conversation with a young man who gave me a very unique and interesting perspective about life. The young man told me “...never prejudge people before getting a chance to really sit and dialog with them...” He continued on saying “...everyone we meet in life has crossed our path for a purpose...” and “...its our job to learn and take as much as we possibly can from each and every encounter...”
I must admit, I didn't completely grasp or agree with his sentiments at the time, but as I've lived day after day and year after year, those comments began to ring louder and louder in my mind. What I have grown to believe about life, in my infinite wisdom, (LOL) is very similar to what the young man was trying to explain all those years ago.

You see, to me, life is little more than a series of experiences meant to teach us more about ourselves and others. It is up to us to learn, grow, and draw inspiration from said experiences. So what are you learning and drawing inspiration from in life? What most of us don't realize or acknowledge is that we as people don't have to be college educated or accomplished to be a teacher. In fact, some of my greatest life lessons were learned from those who have had the minimal-est of education. In other words, I have learned more from these people than I have learned from some of the nations most esteemed professors; real talk.

As you go out today, look around and think about some of the people that you've come into contact with. Think about some of the conversations you've had with friends, family, co-workers, and heck, even strangers. Take some time and reflect on what you've learned, taught, and drawn inspiration from. But please do remember; some people, places, and experiences are meant to teach you what to do, and some are meant to teach you what not to do!!!!

Peace, Love, and Learn Nationiers...

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