Thursday, June 17, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 66 "Car Seats Aren't Optional; Its The Law"


Hey Nationers:

Sorry for the delay. Your boy been traveling all day. I apologize for keeping you waiting. I am back atcha on the car tips. Today's topic: Car Seats.

I must share my frustration for a few moments and vent. Last time I checked, children 3 and under must be in this little contraption called a car seat. It's a mini version of an actual car seat that you buckle the little ones in and then you buckle them to your car's seat. This is not something I am making up, its the law. For some reason, parents, mostly young ones, think its cute to ride around with their children in their lap. Now, when I was younger, my grandfather use to sit me on his lap as he drove around. This was actually how I learned to drive, but I was in a huge old truck on a dirt road in one of the most countriest towns in the world. Today, things have changed drastically. People are way more irresponsible behind the wheel.

I write to make a formal request to ask all of you, black, white, latino, whatever; please help save a child's life. Put them where they belong in the car, in a car seat. Also, make sure you don't just sit them in the seat to bounce around, buckle them in. Maybe you don't mind flying through the windshield, but give the little ones a chance to see what a job, car note, house, and adulthood feels like.

~Just Asking

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