Monday, June 21, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 70 "Goals"


Good Morning-

How are all of you doing this fantastic Monday morning? It is my hopes that you had a wonderful weekend. Your boy been traveling around the south for the last couple weeks. Now I am back in Lil-Weezy-Anna. Anywho, I want to take a brief second today to talk about something that is extremely important: Setting Goals.

Goal setting is imperative if you want to be successful in this life. Oftentimes people have a number of things they want to accomplish but have no idea how to get where they are going. That is why setting goals is important. Goals help serve as pieces to the puzzle of life. If you don't set goals, you will never know in which direction you are going.

Goals should be set in two forms: Short term and Long term. Short term goals should be those things that can be accomplished over the course of a few months to a few years. These are those things that you can start working on today. For example, if you plan to stop texting and driving. You decide to put your phone away while you are in the car. These type of goals are are more immediate. Conversely, long term goals are those things that may take a few years to a decade. These type of goals take a little more planning and effort to obtain. For example, if you are trying to quit smoking. Perhaps instead of giving them Newport's up all together you begin by minimizing the amount of cigarettes you smoke a day to help lead you to stop smoking all together. Long term goals can be comprised of one or more short term goals.

No matter what you do in life, setting goals will help you get there. But make sure you goals are obtainable. What that means is, if you know you want to be a millionaire, you can't continue to work at Burger King thinking that you are going to amass a generous amount of wealth because you made fry cook in 2 weeks. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not trying to discourage you from dreaming big, I am just saying be reasonable. Don't short change yourself and set your goals to low and don't over extend yourself by setting your goals to high. Make sure you set them realistically. Know like directions in your GPS, the goals you set are eventually going to lead you to your destination or produce the outcome you seek.

Brotha' Philosopher

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