Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Shock Value 58: We've Got To Do Better


This is an official challenge to all you WoodWorkz Nationers and everyone you encounter. We have got to do better with the time we have allotted on this earth. Stop embarrassing me! I mean in our relationships, occupations, and personal aspirations. Too many people today are settling. I am not sure if its fear or they just get comfortable, but you have too many things going for you to just take what is given to you.

Today, unlike decades ago, there are more monies & scholarships available to minorities and students of all races to go to college. Most of the time I hear people say, "I want to go or go back, but I just don't have time." I once learned that the things you want are weeks of sacrifice to equate to a lifetime in paradise. Lets look at from another angle. So you are living from check to check each pay period and struggling to make ends meet anyway, and your not going to attempt to find another place of employment because? Or you know that your significant other is never going to be faithful, so you in-turn decide you are okay with having this don't ask don't tell relationship, when you know for a fact it is eating you up inside. Stop saying you are doing it for the kids! You are staying because you don't want to be alone. I guess it better to have 1/8 of someone than no one at all. I digress!

Anyway, people stop with the settling. There is so many opportunities out there. There are plenty of fish in the sea and if the one on your hook isn't the one you want, throw it back. There is truly someone for everyone. Don't miss out. As it pertains to that job you hate; start looking for something new. Regardless of what the media says, there are a number of jobs available. If you don't seek you will never find. You have to want more for yourself, before anyone else can provide you with more. If you are comfortable with just enough, then you will always come up short. We have got to do better. There is so much we have access to, not to do the most with it.


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