Monday, June 14, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 63 "Texting & Driving"


Now before you all chop my head off, let me first say we all do it, but we shouldn't. Texting while driving is very, very dangerous. It is one thing to be on your phone, but texting delays your response time tremendously. Most recently, I saw a special on CNN where a gentleman demonstrated how texting while driving affects a person's ability to react to people stopping suddenly in front of them. You would be amazed how texting caused the driver to be less aware of his surroundings. This phenomenon has become so bad, that innocent people are actually getting killed in accidents where one driver was texting and the other had no idea that this ride would be the last one they would ever take. Some states have even went so far as to give out citations and points on your driver's license for texting and driving.

I know that may seem drastic, but they say desperate times call for desperate measures. I think people don't realize how dangerous texting and driving is. I had no idea either. So, it is all our jobs to constantly seek out knowledge. Thus, here it is for you. DON'T TEXT & DRIVE; well at least while you are moving. If there is something you absolutely have to say and you refuse to call that person for whatever reason; wait until you reached the next stop light or pull over on the side of the road. Trust, I am not perfect. I am fighting the texting while driving demon too. But, I have decided to lead by example. From henceforward, I am going to take my own advice. And if you happen to be in the car with me and you see me do it, please address it. Respectfully though; I would hate to have to put your anus OUT my whip.

Anyway, be smart, be safe, and be courteous to others on the road. Half of you have road rage anyway (I'll talk about that tomorrow,) so slow down and use that ear piece you have that you only pull out in the club and talk like normal people. Texting while driving is quickly becoming as dangerous as driving while drunk. Both can affect your abilities and also kill innocent people. Don't wait until its too late to put your phone down and pay attention to the road. If you have to text; I heard the passenger seat is the bomb!

~Knowledge is Power

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