Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In todays Addition of DONT PLAY WITH GOD: Lil B: Touched by an Angel

Whats Good Nationiers!? This is your captain speaking.

I'm here today to illustrate the power of actions. Many people fail to realize that the energy one puts out into the universe inevitably attracts similar forms of energy. Think of it in terms of a type of cologne or perfume. Whatever you spray on yourself daily determines what you will attract. If you are a negative person, you will inevitably attract negativity. If you are a positive person you will attract positivity, and so on. With that being said, lets move on to the topic at hand shall we...

Ladies and gentleman, this is Lil B aka BasedGod:

For those who haven't heard of him (and believe me, you re not missing anything), Lil B is a little know street rapper and member of Bay area CA. Rap group “The Pack”. He is also one of the newest members of Soulja boys camp, SOD Money gang. He is probably best categorized as one of these new wave skate/street thug/tight jeans wearing rappers. Astonishingly, the little degenerate has amassed a small following which only demonstrates the general decline of hip hop artists and culture overall.
Having listened to what this guy has produced, (I cant with a clear conscience call it music) I have come to the conclusion that this dude was sent by the devil to corrupt young souls. Now I know that this a very extreme statement, but I have good reason for making such assertions. This guy is the talent lacking sadistic architect of songs such as “Hoes on my dick”, “Violate that Bitch”, and
“I am God” to name a few. Lil B has also been quoted in songs saying “I am God”, “I always wanted to be God”, and “...bitches on my di*k because I look like Jesus...”.

Now that Ive provided you with an adequate demonstration to lend support to my earlier statements, you should be able to see that my allegations were well founded.

Now, where should I begin???
First things first. Young man, you are not God, you are all that is wrong with music, hip hop, and pop culture all rolled up in one. Secondly, you are a sad byproduct of what our society has created. Young, uneducated, and disrespectful. Third, you're pure garbage and the only reason Soulja Boy signed you is because he's so garbage that he makes anybody standing within a 100ft radius look decent. But thats not the real issue as I see it.

The problem lies in that he has no idea how uneducated and mis guided he is. He obviously has no one to guide him and show him the error of his ways and left to his own devices, he is at the mercy of what the universe has in store for him. Remember what I said earlier about the power of actions? If you spew hate and ignorance in your music and or in your life, you will attract that same hate and ignorance as a result:

Enter the guy in the Polo hat...

Now in no way shape or form do I condone what took place in the above video, but it just illustrates my point. Be aware of the energy you put out. Be mindful of your actions. And choose your words carefully. Don't think that for one second you can be that disrespectful towards God and expect to be blessed and protected. Lil b promotes money, drugs, sex, and violence but as the video shows, none of those things were able to protect him when me was attacked. In fact, out of that entire room full of people, no one came to his aid. I think its time for Lil B to call on God and make some changes in his life. Lets face it, he's not that talented but he's been blessed with an opportunity to affect change, an opportunity that far more worthy people struggle for. Lets hope this incident opens his eyes to what is really important in life.

However, judging by this video, I cant say for certain that he learned anything. And by the way Lil B, it sure looked and sounded like it hurt... And nope! I don't feel you... Seems like an ass whiping always gets niggas minds rights for a lil bit... Leave dem drugs alone young boy.

Story Developing...

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