Saturday, June 19, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 68 "Destiny"


Yeah I know its Saturday and I hope you all have plans to do the most today, but I had to start your day off with some good nutrients like vitamins. Today I am going to touch on something that I believe is very important, Destiny.

Last night, while some of you were out partying like its 1999, I stayed home as I usually do and had a movie night by my lonesome. The movie of choice,"The Book Of Eli." Now, don't worry if you haven't seen it, I am not going to spoil it for you. Its just that the plot of the movie inspired me to write about today's topic. Everyone, no matter how big, small, tall, short, pretty, skinny, pleasantly plump, black, white, asian, latino, indian, and/or mulatto has a destiny. In my mind destiny is defined by the purpose you are giving at birth to fulfill on this earth. Now, some people have a destiny that may impact the world at large, and some people have a destiny that will only impact their neighborhood, but it doesn't matter we all have one and all are extremely important.

If you are human, like most people are (emphasis on most because some people like myself believe we aren't the same species as everyone else) you may not be so sure what your destiny is. That is why it is important to keep on living. In line with that, you must keep dreaming too. Somehow or someway your destiny may be revealed. In some cases it may never be revealed and you may never know your true purpose until it is time for you to leave this world. I have always wondered what my destiny is and welcome an answer to that question. I know I may never truly receive anything more then a hypothesis to that question, but I will continue to live, work, and serve as I do on a daily basis. And if I never find it, at least I tried to.

Just remember a destiny---everyone has one, even you. HE did not put you on this earth just to put you here. YOU are here for a reason and you should always remember that. Whatever impact you are making at school, work, church, in your community, or at home, keep it up. You never know, your daily activities could be the ingredients that are mixed together to prepare you for your big meal---YOUR DESTINY!

~Get some sun, get wet, have fun!~

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