Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 71 "Balance"


People People People:

I promised my G-Ma that I would do something nice for her today. So to fulfill my promise to her I am going to talk about something else that is extremely important: Balance.

Balance is one of those things you must have in life; not just when your riding a bike or roller skating either. Balance keeps you leveled. Too much of anything is overkill. You have to maintain balance in all thing you do in life. If you lean too far to the left, or too far to the right you are bound to topple over. For instance, if you know you want to drop a few pounds for the summer, you can't just attend a P90 X classes in the evening, but have a CHURCH'S chicken box waiting for you at the house as soon as you get home. Need another one here it goes. In love, balance is important too. You don't ever want to find yourself in a relationship that is anything other than 50/50 (or 60/40 if you find yourself a good one). If the one you love doesn't mirror your actions or demonstrate the same commitment that you do, then your relationship might be out of balance. As the church folk would say, "you two might be unequally yolked."

You have to seek balance to find it. I know too many people who work themselves too hard, but do not take time to appreciate themselves. Or you have those people who sacrifice love and happiness just to pursue a dream that they believe will benefit them more than anyone else can. If you are out of balance, it is like a car with the alignment off; if you let go of the wheel long enough it will begin to drift over to the right or left side, and if there is another car coming you might just crash. I encourage you all to take a moment and weight your options before you do anything in this life. Stop putting the weight of the world on your shoulders or putting too much on your balance. Find balance or you might just fall flat on your face.

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