Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 158 "Diets That Crash"


Hello All:
I hope all of you are
enjoying your weekend.

Today's Topic: Diets That Crash

As I got ready for bed last night, I turned on on the tube. Anyone that knows me, knows I don't really do this whole tv at bed time thing. I believe the bedroom is for sleeping and the tv is a distraction that causing you to stay up longer than you should. Anyway, as I was channel surfing in the 3am hour, I noticed a ton of diet & fitness infomercials. If you don't know what infomercials are, these are commercials that contain information regarding products that a companies are trying to sale, like pills, fitness tapes, stuff for cars, etc. One of the things I noticed is most of the commercials were talking about the need for all of us to be skinny. Okay, well that isn't exactly what the actual message is, but that was what I got from it.

From Jenny Craig to the Cayenne Pepper diet, there are so many tools out there to help one lose weight. One of the things I know from my own personal experience is that all diets are only temporary unless you decide to make a lifestyle change. I mean it doesn't matter what you stop eating and for how long, if you don't find a balance between diet and exercise, all your diets will crash. I understand a lot of us don't enjoy hanging out at the gym all day. Yes, I said us because I am no fan of working out either, but I do enjoy playing ball there and prefer being healthy. But, if you know you don't enjoy the gym, you have to learn portion control, find other ways to burn calories, and when to back away from the table.

I'm no dietitian, but I am going to share with you some of the things I have learned after trying a few different options. It is not necessarily what you eat, but how much. It is not so much about how many times a day you eat, its what you eat when you do decide to dine. It not all about meats, fats, cholesterol, but more about the amount of all of it you but in your body. Counting calories will help you with your portions. Focus on being healthy and not on losing weight. Stick to 2, ooo calories or less a day and you will automatically see a change in you. Walk more, drive less. When stairs are an option, go for them; the elevator exemplifies laziness. DON'T STARVE YOURSELF, NO MATTER WHAT!

Its not about dieting, its about changing your life and style. If you enjoy food, don't be ashamed. I agree with Monique' anyway, skinny people are evil; lol. Quit trying to stop eating things or changing your body instantly. The step by step process is something that will help you in the long run. It is a lot better and healthier to lose a pound or so a month and keep it off, then 20 pounds in a week. The body is the temple, take care of it and it will ultimately take care of you. Diets are made to crash and fail, but you are made to succeed. Don't give up on yourself or your health. You just need to find an eating regimen that works for you. It might take a couple tries but eventually you will find that which you seek.

~Brother Info

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