Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 165 "Focus;Back On My NYish"


Greetings My People:
I want to wish you all a
safe and productive Sunday.

Today's Topic: Focus; Back On My NYish

I just learned something about myself that I need to fix while riding on a bus for 10 hours last night. Yep, today is going to be one of these days where I do self-reflection for everyone to see. I have a major problem. While I will do anything to help everyone, I lack something very important---Focus. I recently came up with this new saying, but I need to apply it to myself, "if you try to be all things to everyone, you will end up being nothing to anyone." While I understood what I meant by this adage, now I realize even more how if affects my own personal aspirations. Thus, I am determined to become more Focused and get Back on My NYish.

Everyday of my life for the past century or so I have assisting with the dreams of others while sacrificing my own personal aspirations. I am not saying this because I want recognition or a pat on the back, I am just saying that at some point I/you if you are like me, have to Focus and find balance. I am struggling with Focus and I want you to know it is okay if you are too, but we both have to, "get it together like 702." It's fine for us to assist others, but we have to know when to say, "Uncle." I have lost my own dreams in the dreams of others. At some point, if I don't regain Focus, I will never recapture my own dreams and aspirations.

I challenge you all if you are like me to Focus and get Back On Your NYish too. The one thing I have began to realize is people are reaching their goals or at least working towards them while I am taking the LONG ROUTE to a VERY SHORT DESTINATION because I have been so engaged in the activities and life-work of others. However, now its my time to get Focused and work diligently to find my way back to my own goal attainment and definitely work to get Back On My NYish.

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