Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 160 "It's Not Whats On The Outside That Counts"


Happy Tuesday folks!
This week is moving in the
right direction, towards the

Today's Topic: It's Not Whats On The Outside That Counts

I have come to the realization that no matter how hard we try not to be, ALL of us are shallow in one way or another, especially when it comes to picking out our significant other or those we spend time with. I hate to admit it but we are all accustomed to being with someone who we find attractive first. Yeah, we know that attraction isn't the only thing that matters, but if you can't stand to look at the other person you share a bed with, you will have a long hard life. Knowing we all are shallow and can be at various times, I want to encourage you all to realize that, Its Not Whats On The Outside That Counts----All The Time.

Hey, I am guilty too. I mean, I think all of us want someone that looks like some model or a poster we can hang in our room. But trust you me as my G-Ma use to say, "Everything That Glitters Isn't Gold." I have learned that some of the sweetest people normally spend years looking for that special someone because they aren't necessarily the most attractive person on the planet. Its sad but true. I once heard a comedian say, "if the beauty on the inside is what counts, then someone needs to flip your ugly azz inside out." Now I know I shouldn't laugh at that, but it is indeed funny. But on a serious note, I think we should all take a step back and stop being so shallow and try to recognize the beauty in all people. Seek to find out the person they are on the inside and not focus so much on the outside. I challenge you all to give those persons a chance that you normally wouldn't date or give the time of day otherwise. The results might surprise you. Your future may be in your class, at your job, next door, on the pew next to you at church or the person who faithfully delivers your mail to your daily. Who Knows?


~ Brutha Give It A Try

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