Friday, September 24, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 163 " Some People Are Just Evil"


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen:
Today signifies another week in
the books. I hope you all
had a great one.

Today's Topic: Some People Are Just Evil

As a person who truly believes in CHRIST and wants to make every effort I can to live according the principles he lived by; although I know HE loves everyone, I have to admit, "Some People Are Just Evil." I am the most happy-go-lucky person in the world. What I mean is, I am usually in a positive mood and if I am not, no one really sees it because I keep it to myself. But even I, with my super positive attitude can't deal with certain people.

When I say these people are evil, I mean they are always doing something devious or in an effort to hurt other people. It takes a lot to bother me, but in my honest admission, some of these people too drive me bonkers. I haven't cursed someone out in a long time, but most recently, evil people having been trying to play a roll in my daily life. In the words of my spiritual aunt, "The Devil Is A Lie!" I am not one who avoids people, but I will if I think they are going to bring on unnecessary drama or have ill intentions. Most recently I have been seeing the presence of these evil people, and I have to try triple hard to refrain from losing it on someone. It is a challenge, but I really have too much to lose.

It is true that some people are just evil, but instead of retaliating with the same behavior, I encourage you all to just pray for them. Pray that one day they will abandon their evil ways in in an effort to become decent human beings. Just because evil people exist, the world can still be a better place if all of us use our GOOD to overcome EVIL!

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