Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 167 "You Are Only As Relevant As You Aspire To Be"


Is it me or has
this week blown
by faster than Speedy Gonzales?!

Today's Topic: You Are Only As Relevant As You Aspire To Be

I am a person who enjoys volunteering with various organizations, groups, and helping other people in general. What I have learned most recently is that people perceive you in a number of ways and it is up to you to add meat to that bone of mis-perception, if incorrect. I think one of the major problems that we deal with as humans is acceptance. People do any and everything for friends, attention, and just to fit in, yet are you then deemed relevant? Who is the god or guru that judges your relevance. Personally, I believe you are only as relevant as you aspire to be.

Let me explain. I think we all spend way too much time on things that don't matter and not enough time on those things that do matter. We focus on what man or media says we should say or what we should do, but who are they to give us directions. You need to take the wheel in your car of life. If you want to be relevant, there are a number of ways you can make yourself relevant. Don't compare yourself to others, go out an aspire to be great, and make others compare themselves to you. I can say most humbly, I have never fit in nor do I aspire to do so. I love being me, because that is who GOD made me to be. I want to encourage you all to take control of your own destiny. If you want to be relevant, simply aspire to be a better, stronger, smarter, and a more focused person tomorrow then you were today.

~Brutha I Got You

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