Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 161 "Things That Make You Go Hmmm"


I hope you all are having
a good week thus far. I wish
you all the best each and every day.

Today's Topic: Things That Make You Go Hmmm

I was flipping through the channels last night and I realized one thing. Other than Monique on B.E.T., the late night airwaves are ruled by, how do I say it, Anglo-Saxons and a few other Minorities, well maybe one, George Lopez. Now, just to put it out there, I am not saying anything racists, just making a true statement. This troubles me because children and young adults tend to emulate and mirror the behaviors of those they want to be when the grow up. If they don't see anyone that looks like them on popular shows in a positive manner, they will think there isn't a space in entertainment for them in the future. I remember back in the day, Arsenio Hall use to be the King of Late Night, well at least in my mind. He use to have a section of his show called, "Things That Make You Go Hmmm."

In my ode to him, and his legacy on late night television, I am going to draft my own list of "Things That Make You Go Hmmm." Enjoy.

10) Why do women ask questions to things they don't want to know the REAL answer to?
9) What is the difference between being successful and wealthy?
8) If you look into something and you find something you didn't want to know, why are you surprised?
7) What do you think will happen if you always complain about your significant other?
6) Why are you upset that you don't have money by March if you spent all your income taxes on something that didn't last a month, like tracks in your hair, or car you couldn't afford.
5) If you dream big, do you really want to wake up?
4) Is it ever so bad that you can't live without playing football?
3) If people in entertainment and business can afford to spend money seamlessly even in a recession on cars, clothes, whores, drugs, alcohol, and houses, why can't they help the President balance the budget and end the trillion dollar deficit we are in?
2) If you have done your best to win, but you don't walk away with a victory, did you lose?
1) Do people outside of Detroit, Chicago, and Louisiana inappropriately use guns to kill others of their same race?

These are just a few things to spark discussions and possible debates. I think I will be coming back again with a few more. Feel free to comment at your leisure.


~Brutha Info

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