Sunday, September 12, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 151 "And So It Begins"


Happy Sunday!
I wish you all a
good week.

Today's Topic: And So It Begins

Some of you may be less interested or not interested in today's blog at all. But some of you just might. As you know today I am talking about something beginning. Do you know what that is? The 2010 National Football League Season. Well, of course Thursday really kicked off the season, but this is the First Sunday of the season--And So It Begins.

I am probably not as excited as some people I know, I mean especially here in LA, since this is home to last year's Super Bowl Champs. These fans are od'ing (overdosing.) I mean there are Saints stickers on cars, buses, airplanes, and any other thing you could think of. Now, I am not a Saints fan, especially not Reggie Bush, but I am glad this city received the win. After Katrina, Louisiana, New Orleans especially, needed that boost and they really deserved it.

I don't know who your team is, actually, I don't really have a team, I mean I like the Eagles cause of Vick, Bengals cause of TO and Ocho, Titans cause of Vince, and a few other players I root for when they play. At this very moment, I want to wish you and your team the best of luck. I am excited, but my homeboi C-Warr is ready to go to war with his Steelers like we are going back to Iraq. But to each its own. As long as he don't tear up nothing or pull a muscle.

Good luck teams and fans. I wish for a safe and exciting season. Let the games begin!


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