Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 168 "Just Tell The Truth"


Happy Hump Day:
I hope you all had a
good day today.

Today's Topic: Just Tell The Truth

"When in doubt, don't try to lie your way out." Let me say that one more time, "when you are in doubt, please don't try to lie your way out." Just Tell The Truth.

One of the things I have learned over my lifetime is that lying is never a good thing. I mean I know some people may tell you that a little white lie won't hurt anyone, but someone always gets hurt with lies. The major problem with lying is that once you tell one lie you normally have to tell another lie and many more to cover up the first lie. I know it is hard to tell the truth, especially in instances when you know someone near and dear to you will be hurt because of your actions or the actions of someone else, but you have to work through it.

No one deserves to be lied too. Untruths, destroy lives, cause conflict, and in rare cases may result in horrific outcomes, like murder. I try daily not to put myself in a position to lie. Anyone who knows me knows that I will do a lot of things, but lying isn't one of them. If I say it I mean it. Perhaps, not in the way you took it, but I meant it nonetheless. Just ask yourself, how would you feel if one day you woke up and realized you were living a lie. Some people are so good at lying that will have your questioning yourself even if you are telling the truth. So here is my take on the situation and its very plain and simple, no matter what, JUST TELL THE TRUTH.

~ Brutha I Got Your Back

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