Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 154 "The Master Of Your Fate"


Its Hump Day! That's
something to celebrate in itself.
Have a good day.

Today's Topic: The Master Of Your Fate

Acceptance is something that most people yearn for. I mean as a child you are taught to get along with other children and to act accordingly in the presence of others. When you are little, most of the time you didn't really get an opportunity to choose your friends, they were usually those who you played with that wasn't family or just fellow daycare goers. But, regardless of their association you always wanted someone to like you or want someone to play with you. As an adult the stage is the same, but the choices are more diverse and complicated. Yet, one still wants someone to like them and play with them (pause).

While I know it is important to be liked and accepted, I have to raise the question: How far do you go to fit into one of those categories? It seems today that people do all kinds of crazy things to be a part of a group, gang, team, etc. I mean when my personal values and beliefs are challenged upon entry to any group, that is my red flag that this might not be the best fit for me. But, these days people are so desperate for attention and social acceptance that they will do anything just to be a part of something, even if it means breaking the law or worse.

I write today to explain to you that while you are whoring yourself to be a part of something else, you are daily losing your individuality. This is your life, and while it is important to assembly thy self, there is a point where you have to draw the line in the sand. You are The Master Of Your Fate. What I mean by this is, your choices, decisions, and actions determine what will transpire in your life. It's like the decision Neo had to make in the Matrix, whether to take the red or the blue pill. Don't let other people define you, or tell your story. Its sad because while you are trying so hard to be like others, they are secretly trying to become you. They are just waiting for you to vacate who you are so they can occupy your old spot. Don't let people change you. Remember, you are The Master Of Your Fate and what you say and do may be small or the difference between life and death. Is it really that serious? I don't think so.

~Brutha 411

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