Saturday, September 18, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 156 & 157 "Break Up 2 Make Up"

Happy Saturday! First let me apologize. I am pretty consistent when it comes to this blogging thing. Due to technical difficulties beyond my control,the blog from yesterday,"The Break Up" never got posted. I know some of you must have been mildly depressed and darn near suicidal without my words of encouragement on yesterday. Ooops, your bad! Anywho, since that didn't happened I am going to combine today's blog, "The Make Up" together with the one intended for yesterday in a shorter condensed version for my short essay preferred readers. I hope you enjoy.

Today's Topic: Break Up 2 Make Up

I don't know if you young bucks remember, but there is an oldie but goodie that I use to hear on my G-Ma's stereo back in the day. The lyrics were, fell free to sing along or mouth the words like you know the song if you like, "Break up to Make up, that's all we do, first you love me then you hate me, that's a game for fools." Man were these brothers right. Still today, decades later, a number of people in relationships are still riding on this dangerous cycle. One day you talk to your homegurl or homeboi and the swear it is over between them and Shantiniqua/Jarvis, but we all know that lie last as long as it takes them to say it. Right in the middle of him or her saying it to you, the phone goes off with a text or a call and they are right back in conversation with the supposed ex discussing, fussing, or cussing about what went wrong. Fortunately for you, now you don't have to get your ears raped anymore by them lying about being done with so and so. Unfortunately though, you have to experience someone you love lying to your face, but hey, its in the name of love/lust, so that's okay right?! I mean you knew they were going to take him/her back in the beginning.

I am no relationship expert, nor do I claim to be one. Actually, I am more fond of relating to people then I am having a relationship with them. But, I do understand that it is very hard to let someone go that you have given so much to, shared so much with, and you love so deeply. I don't have a problem with you two deciding to stay together or go your separate ways. Do what makes you happy. However, I do have a problem with the two of you lying saying its over and both of you know that you two are going to spend the rest of your lives together because no one else on the earth, or in/on any galaxy will put up with your crazy & deranged azzes. You can leave or stay, just don't tell us about it until you have made your FINAL decision. We are not going to believe you until we see it anyway. Of course today you are very upset so you are so sick and tired of this and that and you are telling everyone who will listen how this is the last straw and either he/she goes or you will be leaving. But, by the time we text or call you, while you suppose to be at the house gathering your things, you are ignoring us cause you two are now 3 minutes into going half on a baby. That's cool with us, you two clowns deserve each other and the drama too.

~For the sake of us all, just stay together, til death do you part. Hey that might not be long, cause you two will probably end up killing
each other one day anyway.~

Brutha That's What's Up

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